Buzzwords plays an important role in today's world.. World is more of trend and trending .. trend plays important role today.. Previously word was fashion and today it is trend.. and trending.. and one of the most fastest( Einsteins speed of light will also think on this) trend which has emerged as very fast trend is SELFIE ..SELFIE ... SELFIE.... it is just a craze which makes u keep listening to so many stories.. Today during my social drives helping poor in slums.. I saw few children have got a mobile phone in their hand and where taking a selfie.. It felt so good to see them so happy.. happiness in their eyes while taking selfie has made my day.. Wonder how a simple concept of taking self photo and checking our self on screen make people so happy.. who would have thought in this country six seven years back that most popular word in few years time will be SELFIE...I see people take 100-200 selfie in a day.. for some it has become an obsession and there were sad news of people dying while clicking selfie...
One need to understand how this phenomenon became so interesting to people.. there were times when people use to have that reel camera and we used to take photos and eagerly use to wait to those reels getting developed and if in between we realize that photo is not good or eyes got blink we use to feel so sad.. from that wait of a weeks time now it is just a matter of seconds( not even seconds) that you are aware of the result.. you can delete it take a new one .. so easy.. and thats where the beauty lies.. efforts which gives immediate results and supersonic immediate is always treated as the best in this case.. I can just see that people just change their face when they are in so called SELFIE MODE..SELFIE IS A NATIONAL TREND .. infact it is a day to day trend and micro seconds phenomenon .. One need to understand but flip side of this also.. things are always not that present in micro seconds.. or results are not available in quick super sonic speed.. we need to put lot of efforts in achieving desired results.. there is no delete button .. in that .. act and words said cannot be deleted.. and thats what is we need to keep in our memory always.. SELFIE IS A GREAT fun.. but it is not more than that.. some time day to day routine act becomes our habit and we must be very careful there.. it is a good exercise to imaginewhere you want to be 5 years from now .. draw an imaginative picture of that and take your selfie with it.. and that selfie put in your lock screen wall paper it will keep reminding you of where u shall reach and what you should do to achieve that..
So next time take 100 selfie .. but take one selfie with what you wish to be and see the change..and name that as SELFIE VERSION 5.0 ( you 5 years from now) its your imagination and your selfie to reach there.. kar ke dekho u will love it...